安裝電纜橋架時(shí)會(huì )有哪些誤區嗎?
說(shuō)到電纜橋架,很多人對其都是很熟悉的,主要是起到支撐和保護電纜的作用。那你知道防火電纜橋架在安裝時(shí)會(huì )有哪些誤區嗎?
When it comes to cable tray, many people are very familiar with it, mainly to support and protect the cable. Do you know the mistakes in the installation of fireproof cable tray?
In the setting of cable tray, not only the installation of cable tray is mentioned, but also the cable direction and detail treatment should be considered. At the same time, there are many types of cable tray for cable installation, and each type of cable tray has different installation characteristics.
1. When the screw hanger is set with bridge, the anti sway support is not set according to the standard requirements, and the steel support is not constructed according to the anti-corrosion requirements.
2. The grounding jumper is arbitrarily installed or missed on both sides of the bridge, and the grounding jumper is not set on the conspicuous side. The lug and claw gasket of grounding jumper are installed reversely in turn. Some are not equipped with claw gasket, and the grounding bolt of galvanized bridge is not equipped with lock washer.
3. The tray and trough bridge cover plate in the ceiling are missing. The nuts of the fixing bolts of the bridge connecting plate are installed on the inner side of the bridge, and the bridge is not connected to the distribution box, cabinet and the outgoing or incoming steel pipes.
4. The full length of hardware cable tray and its support is not reliably grounded, and the expansion joint is not installed according to the normalization.
5. The cable tray and bracket are not fixed, the bridge bracket is not provided with grounding jumper, and the fire prevention obstruction is not provided when crossing the fire compartment.
6. There is no insulation treatment between aluminum alloy bridge and steel support to prevent electrification, wind and rain erosion. The elbow and tee of fire-proof cable tray do not use the parts matching with the cable tray, but are processed on the spot, and the processing quality does not meet the specification.