運用電纜橋架會(huì )遇到的四方面問(wèn)題
運用電纜橋架會(huì )遇到的四方面問(wèn)題
Four Problems in Using Cable Bridge Frame
山東電纜橋架具有結構簡(jiǎn)單.造型漂亮.裝備靈活和修理便利等特點(diǎn),適用于敷設計算機電纜.通信電纜.熱電偶電纜及其它高靈敏系統的控制電纜等地。但在運用電纜橋架的時(shí)分,會(huì )遇到一些常見(jiàn)的問(wèn)題,今天,圣新橋架就給大家介紹一下,運用電纜橋架會(huì )遇到的4方面問(wèn)題:
Shandong Cable Bridge Frame has the characteristics of simple structure, beautiful shape, flexible equipment and convenient repair. It is suitable for laying computer cables, communication cables, thermocouple cables and control cables of other high sensitive systems. But when using cable tray, we will encounter some common problems. Today, Shengxin Bridge tray will introduce to you four aspects of problems when using cable tray:
1.電纜內部出現短路,這類(lèi)毛病一般是因為電纜質(zhì)量低質(zhì)而構成的,但在外表上不會(huì )流露痕跡。
1. Short circuit occurs inside the cable. This kind of fault is usually caused by the low quality of the cable, but it will not show traces on the surface.
2.在運用山東電纜橋架的時(shí)分,可能會(huì )出現整條電纜被燒斷或許某處電纜被燒斷,使得電纜在毛病處損壞的十分嚴峻。
2. When using the cable bridge in Shandong Province, the whole cable may be burned or the cable may be burned somewhere, which makes the damage of the cable in the defective place very serious.
3.電纜的各部分都出現短路表象,這類(lèi)毛病可能會(huì )構成配電柜上的電流繼電器作業(yè),從而損壞電纜。
3. Short circuit appears in all parts of the cable, which may constitute the operation of current relay on the distribution cabinet, thus damaging the cable.
4.山東電纜橋架只要一條短路,毛病處電纜損壞較輕,但仍是會(huì )有很明顯的痕跡,這類(lèi)毛病可能會(huì )出現的原因在于電流太大或許電纜質(zhì)量太差而構成的。
4. As long as the cable bridge in Shandong Province has a short circuit, the cable damage in the fault area is relatively light, but there are still obvious traces. The possible reasons for this kind of fault are that the current is too large or the quality of the cable is too poor.
Shandong Cable Bridge Frame has the advantages of light weight, low cost, convenient installation, good heat dissipation and air permeability, which can be useful to ensure the progress of our daily life. In order to make the cable bridge play a better role, in daily life, we should also pay attention to the frequent conflicts between sliders and guideways of cable bridge equipment, make necessary adjustments and corrections, check the lubrication quality of joints and pipelines, so as to ensure outstanding work.
In summary, all the above-mentioned Jinan Hangfeng Industrial Co., Ltd. provides, want to know more about Shandong cable bridge, welcome to pay attention to our website: http://yxsdz.cn Thank you for your support!